Permanent Regular Booking Availability for School Term Time 2024

Available weekly unless indicated otherwise.

These will change as I become aware of other students' tutoring plans.

* Mon 5.30pm & 6.40pm (f/nightly from Mon May 6th)
* Tues 9pm
* (Wed 6.40pm & 9pm - To Be Released Mon of each week)
* Thur 4.20pm, 5.30pm, 7.50pm (f/nightly from Thur May 2nd) & 9pm
* Sat 8.10am
* Sun 8.20am, 9.30am (f/nightly from Sun May 5th) & 10.40am (f/nightly from Sun May 5th) 

** Cancellation Policy **

If you cancel for any reason or forget to visit inside of 24 hours' notice, you will need to pay for the missed session before any other tutoring is possible from me. There are now no exceptions to this policy. This policy includes late notifications of sickness. 


 Permanent Times Known In Term Time At The Moment Are: * No Permanent Times Known. Sorry. Check Back Later. Times will be given to people as they ask for them and, of course, shifts occur pretty regularly as people juggle all their commitments. The other option is from casual times listed on the previous page. ========7